The Triumph Club of Southern California (TCSC) is proud to present Triumphest 2025. It will be held in Buellton California on Sunday October 05 through Tuesday the 7th 2025. Click here to see a complete schedule of events, links to register, and arrange your room reservations.
The Triumph Club of Southern California.
This website has been assembled through the co-operative efforts of many TCSC members to support Triumph automobile enthusiasts in Southern California. TCSC is a proud chapter of the Vintage Triumph Register (VTR) and Triumph Register of America (TRA). North American Triumph car clubs with over 2,800 Triumph owners and enthusiasts supporting all models of Triumph automobiles. TCSC would like you to join in on the fun. Simply contact a club member or come to one of our monthly meetings. Member application, costs, and benefits are detailed on the “about” page of this website. You can see our calendar of events and some of the member’s stories about owning their cars also. Please visit our facebook page to see posts from our members.
TCSC would like to count you in on the fun.
MEMBER benefits
The Triumph Club of Southern California (TCSC) gives it members, and anyone interested in Triumph automobiles, access to events, knowledge, support, and comradery with other enthusiasts. The events include club parties, road trips, regular meetings in your local area, and a subscription to the award-winning newsletter, the “Standard Tribune”. Contact a member or attend any event.
about tcsc
In 2018, the Triumph Register of So. California (TRSC) and Southern California Triumph Owners Association (SCTOA) joined together to provide a home for Triumph enthusiasts in SoCal (TCSC). It’s for all Triumph models and Triumph powered vehicles. (Amphicar, Dorretti, BoCar, TVR, Morgan, etc.) We believe Triumphs are great cars and are dedicated to "Keeping Them on the Road."
The necessity of “working on your Triumph” goes without saying. There are a lot of “British Engineering” jokes still floating around. But, with the TCSC you are never alone. Every club member is always learning, but there are a few experienced members who make themselves available to help. Every model car has its unique quirks, so don’t “go-it-alone”, get some advice on where to start!
Member vehicles
Every member loves their vehicle(s). Some of them are “generational” cars, purchase by a family member and handed down. Many members had one of these beauties in years past and could never get that car out of their mind. There are hundreds of cars in the club, each with a story. On these pages some members will show you their pride-and-joy and mention how it became theirs.
CALENDAR & upcoming events
There are multiple club activities each month. You can check out the upcoming events on the Calendar page and plan your next Triumph adventure. If you would like to host an event, contact one of the officers and GET INVOLVED. Getting together with other Triumph enthusiasts is a great way to spend a day or a weekend. On the Calendar page you will find a list of events near you.
Resource Center
The TCSC has many members who can give you a tip or two about where to find a new, or slightly used part. Plus, there are many other Triumph related websites throughout the world. If you are bringing a vehicle back to life, or just trying to add a fancy extra to your car, you will find some links and suggestions on this page, along with the contact information to the club’s technical experts.